My Practice

My Methods My Sessions How do I know I need Healing? Space & Land Clearing

What is Shamanism

Shamanism is the art of seeking and maintaining balance between humans and nature, between the seen and unseen realms. At the heart of shamanism is balance; without balance healing cannot occur. A shamanic practitioner is one who reaches altered states of consciousness by using sound, music, drumming, guided meditations, plant-spirit medicine and/or other techniques, to interact with the spirit world. The shaman or curandero/curandera then channels their connection to the spirit world into this world during a ceremony or ritual to heal, perform divination, and balance energies for personal healing and global transformation. -don Oscar Miro-Quesada

My Methods

Clearing:  Cleansing and restoring the light energy bodies bringing coherence and balance  for health and well being.  

Cranial Sacral: A healing method to help deepen your relaxation and to open your body up allowing energy to move freely from head to toe.

Extractions:  Either entity or of non-beneficial, non-serving heavy energy forms that have  crystallized or intrusive fluid energies.

Illumination of the Energy Field: This process removes and cleanses toxic and dense imprints from the chakras, or energy centers, of our luminous energy field. This field holds the template for our health.  Imprints are records from past experiences of our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual history, along with their accompanying negative, self-sabotaging beliefs. Heavy energies can accumulate over he course of time and interrupt the free flow of light energy through the chakras. By clearing and transforming these heavy energies, the luminous energy field can re-pattern the body so that good health and wellbeing flourish.

Soul Retrieval:  Recovering parts of self that have been split off or lost through past traumas.

Soul Dialog:  Communicating with the deepest level of your being to reveal what is truly need for your growth and journey

My Sessions

Each session is a blend of intuitive energy healing techniques, shamanic practices, and a personal process customized to fit individual needs. By using these skills, I help to bring clarity, guidance, and support to each session.

During a session, I may use tools such as a feather, rattle, drum, crystals, burning of sage or palo santo, or scented water, along with my hands, to manipulate and move energy. All energy work is done in a scared space in partnership with spirit.

Sessions usually begin with a brief consultation and discussion in which I use my intuitive tracking to explore any energetic sources for physical and/or emotional imbalances. 

Then, while you are comfortably relaxed on the massage table, I proceed to clear any heavy energy from your Energy Field.  Now, I can intuit what healing modalities will best serve you.

At the end of each session, you will receive ‘homework’ to help you integrate changes that are happening on an energetic level in your Luminous Energy Field. These personal process tools help you continue healing while stepping consciously onto your path.

All intuitive work is done in a sacred, private, and confidential space.

“Shamanic Energy Healing services are offered as a complement to medical or psychological treatment and are not to be a substitute for either.”  

How do I know if I need healing?

Shamanic energy healing can work with many physical and mental issues. By working at the level of the soul, clearing energetic blockages, and removing heavy energy, balance is then restored, and energy is able to flow. Allowing power to return to the body. Many people feel clarity, freedom, lightness, and calm. If you suffer from any of the below list, this can indicate that an imprint within your energy field is activated and in need of clearing.

  • Frustration in general
  • Feeling stuck in repetitive patterns or emotions
  • History of abuse,
  • Addiction
  • Emotional distress
  • Difficulty with letting go of grief
  • Shame
  • Anxiety
  • Unresolved Anger
  • Discovery of and realignment to life purpose      
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Depression and mental fatigue
  • Addiction, effects of drug and alcohol usage
  • Digestive disorders
  • Relationship issues, break-ups, bereavement
  • Breathing difficulties, asthma
  • Support for post-operations
  • Fertility and hormonal balance
  • Pain relief and management
  • Creativity

Space & Land Clearing

I have always been focused on creating spaces of beauty and safety for myself and my family, whether in the home or on the land. My purpose is to bring harmony to disruptive or heavy energies attached to a building or land space. While facilitating land healing, my goal is to attract a renewed flow of vital life force energy.

Space and land clearing are available in person or via Skype.  The costs vary based on what is required, please get in touch with me with your questions.

These are some reasons to have your space cleared, the most obvious ones that I have been asked to do.

  • Moving into a new home or office space.     
  • Resetting the energy of a home or business or land use         
  • Cleansing from a major event-fire, divorce or death        
  • Persistent nightmares and sleeping problems       
  • Perception of entities associated with the area or hauntings      
  • Knowledge of past evil that has occurred on the premises